“Foster Boy” The Movie reveals flaws of US foster care system

Foster Boy the movie, the script written by litigation lawyer Jay Paul Deratany from the horrific cases he experienced in foster care, is a moving and captivating story of significant social consciousness.
Jay Paul Deratany has put his heart and soul in telling the tribulations of his client Jamal, a foster care youth, who is placed in a home with a known sex offender, and the results are horrific. The movie stars Shane Paul McGhie as Jamal, and Matthew Modine and Lou Gossett, Jr., who all give outstanding performances in the movie. Shaquille O’Neal helped fund Foster Boy as an Executive Producer, demonstrating his very compassionate concern for foster children.

Foster Boy, the movie, is an excellent choice of movies to watch this month, during National Adoption Month or in observance of World Orphans Day, which is November 8 this year. Each year World OrphansDay™ is observed around the world on the second Monday in November. The Stars Foundation™, Nashville, TN based nonprofit, has declared this as a day devoted to empowering the orphans and displaced children in the world, while uniting with One Voice to call for global solutions to aid the most marginalized children in the world. The day is observed in over 100 countries around the world.
Cheryl Robeson Piggott, Founder of World Orphans Day, stated “We are thrilled to have the Foster Boy team and Jay Paul Deratany as key advocates for radical change in the US Foster Care system. The purpose of World Orphans Day is to bring awareness to such causes as the need for improvement in our foster care system, and orphan care worldwide. There are many challenges globally speaking, from monetization of the orphanages and foster homes that brings lack of care and love for the children and reduces the beautiful children as mere objects to use and abuse or sell, as in the case of modern child trafficking.
Jay Paul Deratany added, “When we consider that once the youth transition out of the foster care system here in the US at 18 years of age, at least 40% of those youth are homeless a year later. Only 4% will graduate from college. This is a travesty!’
At The Stars Foundation, with the support of our National Advisory Board member, Jay Paul Deratany, Piggott has pledged to have celebrity representatives to make appeals before the public and the legislatures to bring reform to the issues plaguing the systems.
This movie is a perfect tool to educate the public about the problems in our US foster care system. We encourage the public to tune in to watch this terrific movie.
The movie is available on Google Play, Vudu, and Amazon.
For donations to help support our advocacy work with foster care to help the most marginalized children in the world, please contact www.thestarsfoundation.net.

The Stars Foundation™, which has facilitated the day since 2006, works with the music and sports industries to convey the powerful messages of the rights of orphans and will be Co-Convened a World Orphans Summit in Nashville for World Orphans Day™ in Nashville in 2019. Some of the partners on the event included Duke University, AMICAALL (Alliance of Mayors and Municipal Leaders for Aids in Africa at Local Level), Kingdom of Eswatini, UNICEF, and National Religious Broadcast TV (NRB TV) and the UN World Orphans Day Promotion Committee. Visit www.thestarsfoundation.net
About NRB TV:
NRBTV a Christian TV channel headquartered in Nashville, TN, and seen nationwide on DIRECTV channel 378 and select broadcast affiliates. The channel is also streamed worldwide on Roku, Amazon Fire TV and Apple TV (4th gen) streaming players, via a free mobile app, and online streaming. A 501(c)3 non-profit organization, NRBTV reaches a global audience 24 hours a day with thought-provoking, Christ-centered programming. For more information, visit http://www.nrbtv.org<http://trk.cp20.com/click/62vg-jp3ye-by6kn2-f2tw406/>.
The Stars Foundation: Roger Piggott, VP of Communications and Broadcast Media Ph: 704-978-9054 [email protected]