Food Handlers Training for Cayman Brac

The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) is conducting a Food Hygiene Handlers Certification session in Cayman Brac on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, for persons who have never been certified and persons whose certifications have expired.
Spaces are limited to 10 persons per course, therefore persons interested must register by contacting the DEH Cayman Brac office at 948-2321, email us at [email protected]
A registration fee of $15 per person, covering all materials, should be paid at the Treasury office located at the District Administration Building, 19 Kirkconnell St, Cayman Brac, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. A copy of the receipt submitted to the DEH office.
The course runs from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm at DEH office located at 211 Stake Bay Road, Cayman Brac and concludes with a short course exam.
DEH requires all persons who will be or are involved in the preparation and sale of food to be trained and certified in Food Hygiene and Safety. Certification is valid for three (3) years, and persons who desire to continue as food handlers must renew their certification once it expires. Failure to comply with this DEH requirement may result in you not being permitted to operate/work as food handlers or participate in related events.
For additional information, please contact the DEH Cayman Brac office at 948-2321, email us at [email protected], visit the DEH’s website at or message our Facebook page at