FOI Request : Governor’s Office and Langston Sibblies – reference number 102836 – response
From Peter Polack
Good morning Mr Polack
With sincere apologies for this late reply, I write to respond to your application for information under the Freedom of Information Act received on 17th April. I’m sorry it wasn’t acknowledged at the time or receipt.
I have undertaken research in order to respond to your request as follows:
Question 1: Was the Governor’s Office and/or Governor aware that Langston Sibblies was the Director of Prosecutions in Grenada prior to his appointment to the Judicial and Legal Services Commission 2017-2022.
Answer: The Governor’s Office doesn’t have any records related to this
Question 2: Was Langston Sibblies a member of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission 2017-2022 when the JLSC recommended the appointment of the present Chief Justice.
Answer: the record you have requested is already in the public domain here : The Judicial and Legal Services Commission of Cayman Islands
Question 3: Was the Governor’s Office and/or Governor aware that Langston Sibblies was the Director of Prosecutions in Grenada prior to his appointment to Chairman the Law Reform Commission 2004-2010.
Answer: The Governor’s Office doesn’t have any records related to this
Under section 33 of the FOI Act, you may ask for an Internal Review of this decision. You have 30 calendar days after receiving this notice to request an Internal Review of this decision. Any request for Internal Review must be in writing, including email, and can be sent using the contact details below. While you may include the basis on which you are requesting an Internal Review, this is not required.
If, upon Internal Review, this public authority’s decision is still not favourable to you, you have the right under section 42 of the FOI Act to appeal to the Ombudsman within 30 days of:
• the date of notification of the decision taken at Internal Review; or
• the date on which you should have been notified of the decision taken at Internal Review if you receive no notification.
You can find information on how to appeal to the Ombudsman at To contact the Ombudsman, please email [email protected] or call +1 345 946 6283.
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Remember to quote your reference number above in any future correspondence.
Kind regards
Lisa Carroll | Corporate Services Manager and Policy Officer | Governor’s Office | Cayman Islands
Suite 101, Fifth floor, Government Administration Building, Grand Cayman, KY1-9000
From: Governors Office Cayman <[email protected]>
Sent: 28 April 2023 15:41
To: Lisa Carroll (Sensitive) <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: FOI Request : Governor’s Office and Langston Sibblies
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From: Peter Polack <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 11:34:01 AM
To: Governors Office Cayman <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: FOI Request : Governor’s Office and Langston Sibblies
FOI Request
- Was the Governor’s Office and/or Governor aware that Langston Sibblies was the Director of Prosecutions in Grenada prior to his appointment to the Judicial and Legal Services Commission 2017-2022.
- Was Langston Sibblies a member of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission 2017-2022 when the JLSC recommended the appointment of the present Chief Justice..
- Was the Governor’s Office and/or Governor aware that Langston Sibblies was the Director of Prosecutions in Grenada prior to his appointment to Chairman the Law Reform Commission 2004-2010.
Peter Polack