Elvis (2022 film) – Review

Stars – Austin Butler as Elvis Presley, Tom Hanks as Colonel Tom Parker, Olivia De Jonge as Priscillia Presley, Dacre Montgomery as Steve Binder
Director – Baz Luhrmann
Screenplay – Baz Luhrmann, Sam Bromell, Craig Pearce, Jeremy Doner
Story – Baz Luhrmann; Jeremy Doner.
Producers – Baz Luhrmann; Gail Berman, Catherine Martin, Patrick McCormick, Schuyler Weiss.

It has been 56 hours since I saw the movie Elvis. This movie has haunted me since it ended. My first thought when I learned there was going to be a movie was I did not want to go. I didn’t trust the telling of his story. It appeared to be a Colonel Tom Parker story, and in a sense it is. Even with the support of Priscilla and Lisa Marie, I wasn’t swayed. After all, they have a financial interest in the success of this film. I changed my mind. I’m glad I did.
I’ve loved Elvis since I was five years old. It was easy as my mother and grandmother loved him. I had already heard his music when I first saw him on the Ed Sullivan show. I love him still.
Watching this movie was made all the more special by experiencing it with my 18 and 19 year old grandsons, Bren Barrera and Coleman Denman and daughter Kristie Denman Wilson. She was four when he died, but grew up in his memory. There were a couple of moments in the movie when a question was bought up saying they didn’t know the answer. I whispered to Cole, “I know, and told him what had happened.” A minute later someone said the exact words I had said…verbatim! This made for a funny moment between me and Coleman.
“Elvis” the movie is larger than life, but then so was Elvis. It is 2 hours and 40 minutes long, but twenty years of an incredible story went in to that time. There were lots of flash and many scenes that were a bit over the top, but I would expect nothing less from director Baz Luhrmann. (He also directed Moulin Rouge and The Great Gatsby) I was not ready for it to end and I felt Elvis had died all over again.
It was extremely emotional and heart gripping. I relived my love of Elvis thru the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. The voyage thru the decades was seamless and powerful. My grandsons were given an education not only on the life of Elvis, but on the life and times when I grew up.
Austin Butler was unbelievably wonderful. He was fascinating to watch and I personally think he was even better as the older Elvis. I never expected Butler to “be” Elvis, but he captured the essence of Elvis, his movements, his mannerisms, his magnetism. Butler’s performance was stunningly scintillating and captivating.
We can’t forget the Colonel, played by Tom Hanks. There was no surprise here that Hanks was brilliant…he almost always is. The story between Elvis and Parker is a strange one, but solidified what I always thought the relationship was. Actually, the entire film did this by showing what I think is a true representation of the relationships of the people closest to him.
One actor I have heard very little about, but was unbelievable is the young man who played Elvis as a child, Chaydon Jay. Prepare to be impressed. This young boy was captivating to watch and poured his soul in to that role. We will be seeing much more of him.
I loved the movie. I was ready to watch it again immediately. I thought it was creative, a story well told, and captured my attention for the entire length of the show. For a few days prior and after I’ve watched Elvis’s movies and listened to his music. I miss Elvis. When he died one of the things I thought was there will never be any new music. I am grateful for what he left and what others have done to keep him current in our lives.
“Elvis” is a must see movie. If you loved Elvis you will understand. If you didn’t know him, you will be educated in the best possible way. The story is heartbreaking. My daughter said as the movie ended, “It was just so sad.” It was. However, there was also much joy…and music. Elvis certainly bought much to my life and for that I am grateful.
EDITOR: There is no word as yet when we, on Grand Cayman, will be seeing this movie. Even though the trailer has been shown over the past few weeks at Camana Bay Cinema. Wth the very disappointing new releases this week and next, Joan and I will have to watch “Top Gun Maverick” for the third time!