Dog Bless You
Posted by Laura Karen From

This incredible human being brings his 19 year old dog to the lake everyday, to give him couple hours of sleep and sweet dreams. Shep cannot sleep – he suffers from chronic arthritis. The joints hurt so much that the animal could barely pull on its hind legs.
To save the animal from its torments, veterinarians offer to give it a lethal injection. However, the owner said he cannot do that to his friend who saved him from suicide in the past.
And now, to ease the pain of his four-legged friend, the man carries him to the lake and holds him in his arms for several hours so that he can sleep.
Words cannot express this. When you give love, it comes back to you ten times over.
“I want people to remember that when they see these shots,” said Shep’s owner, John Enger.
Credit to the respective owner