Cayman: Meeting of the LA tomorrow (Mon 2)

The LA will meet tomorrow, Monday 2nd November to complete the agenda of the current sitting – the close of business on Monday will mark the end of an era as it will be the last time the House will sit as the Legislative Assembly.
When Legislators meet again the recent Constitution amendments agreed with the UK and contained in “The Constitution (Amendment) Order 2020” will have been approved by the Privy Council, included in the set of amendments is the renaming of the Legislative Assembly to Parliament. When next our Legislators meet it will be as Members of Parliament.
Tomorrow the Premier and other MLA’s are expected to note the historic event before closing the meeting.
Note: In December 1831 the Assembly of Justices and Vestry was created at Pedro St. James. This served as the Legislative body until its last meeting on 3rd July 1959. The change came about when we received our first written Constitution on 4th July 1959 that replaced the bi-cameral Assembly of Justices & Vestry with a uni-cameral Legislative Assembly comprising “Members of the Legislative Assembly” in place of the term “Vestry” (the elected representatives).