Cayman Islands: Project Future Update Report May 2016
FOREWORD BY The Premier, Hon. Alden McLaughlin, MBE, JP
In November 2015, the Deputy Governor and I launched Project Future, establishing a comprehensive and far-reaching programme of public sector reform that will drive efficiency, improve the effectiveness of public services and provide a sustainable future for the Cayman Islands.
The Deputy Governor and his team of Chief Officers accepted the challenge of taking forward the Government’s ambitious agenda for change: some 51 potential programmes/projects, to be tackled over a five-year period.
As this first Update Report shows, to date, over 30 of the 51 projects defined in the Project Future Programme Brief are in progress. Some are in Strategic Assessment or Outline Business Case development, while others have moved on to other phases such as project planning or project execution.
Given the mix of projects, Project Future has the potential to impact, profoundly, the customer experience of public services and to reduce the future burden we place on those who pay to finance our public services. As such, it is vital that we undertake these reforms in a structured and measured way. For the first time, a reform programme, and the individual projects within it, are being managed in accordance with international best practice standards. This demonstrates the Civil Service commitment to effective delivery and increasing capability to manage this type of undertaking.
Increasing our project management capability takes time, and we need to continue to build the professional expertise within the Civil Service to deliver the necessary strategic assessments and business cases that will guide the delivery of projects. I am pleased to say that as a result of training and support, the pace of the programme is now picking up in a sustainable manner.
For example, since November 2016, 1 Outline Business Case and 2 Strategic Assessments have been approved and will be published. Three others have been submitted for approval and more are on their way.
I am also pleased to note that we are seeing genuine options for reform coming through, across a broad range of services. Under the Deputy Governor’s leadership, our civil servants are embracing the potential for reform. In their business case documents they are exploring options and making recommendations for change that will drive efficiency, reduce costs and deliver better value for money. Some of those options are concentrated on improving in- house, public sector provision. Others consider the outsourcing of services, where it is appropriate and can be done without encountering the problems that other jurisdictions have encountered. Even in areas where initial work is suggesting that services may not, in fact, be good candidates for major reform projects, they are still identifying potential improvements that can be implemented as part of ongoing operational activities.
These are early days. Much is still to be done to bring these great ideas to fruition and to implement the ambitious programme of reform that we have set ourselves.
In creating Project Future as a five- year programme, I recognised that it extends well beyond the next election. As I said at November’s launch, this county needs a Government with ambition, and that ambition cannot be limited by the boundaries of electoral cycles.
Make no mistake, though, I am all too aware of the reality of those cycles. When this Progressives-led Government goes to the polls, we will be proud to lay before the people a track record of achievement, of which Project Future will be an important part. We will also be laying out our plans for the future of our country and the platform we are creating, by beginning now to work on major reforms that will only bear fruit after the elections. This will enable the electorate to have confidence in our ability to see through the changes that this country needs.
OVERVIEW By The Deputy Governor, Hon. Franz Manderson, JP
The Project Future programme presents the largest potential change agenda in the history of the Cayman Islands Public Service. Through Project Future we are initiating change that will create overall socio-economic benefits for the Cayman Islands and its people I invite readers to consider the Project Overviews in Appendix III, to get a sense of the extraordinary scope, scale and complexity of what the Government is trying to achieve. I think you will be struck by the contribution these projects can make to the future of our country and the Public Service.
Project Future represents a cultural shift and a new way of working within the Civil Service, which has lessons far beyond this particular programme. We have introduced the use of business cases, as tools to strengthen the quality of our advice to the Government on how best we can achieve their policy priorities. We are also strengthening our skills in using formal project management methodologies.
As the overall Programme Sponsor, I believe that this first progress report shows that the Civil Service has taken some important steps to help the Government achieve their policy priorities.
While we are pleased with the progress indicated in this report, there is still room for improvement. We will continue to focus on enhancing performance, as we drive forward the development of business case and project
delivery skills across the Civil Service.
The majority of the work undertaken to date uses in-house resources. Even our Programme Management Office was largely established through secondments and funds from existing budgets. This builds capacity within the Civil Service; it is also part of our commitment to minimise implementation costs. However, it is not unreasonable to identify that, for the programme and for some projects, at some stages, additional resources will be needed, especially if we are to achieve the scale and speed of change envisioned.
Therefore, I welcome the Government’s move to provide the first dedicated Project Future Fund in the 16/17 budget of some $400k. This will operate as a central fund, to provide resources that can be shared across ministries, in areas of priority.
Finally, I would like to thank my Chief Officers and their staff, the Strategic Reforms Implementation Unit, CICSA and our private sector volunteers, for their contributions to Project Future. I look forward to your continued support
“Through Project Future we are initiating and facilitating change that will create overall socio- economic benefits for the Cayman Islands and its people.”
I invite readers to consider the Project Overviews in Appendix III, to get a sense of the extraordinary scope, scale and complexity of what the Government is trying to achieve. I think you will be struck by the contribution these projects can make to the future of our country and the Public Service.
In November 2015, the Premier and Deputy Governor launched the Project Future programme, a change agenda aligned with political priorities and informed by the EY Report.
The Deputy Governor is the Programme Sponsor, with overall responsibility for delivering the Project Future programme. His Chief Officers have delegated responsibility to deliver the projects assigned to their individual Ministries/Portfolios. (See Appendix I for the Project Future Governance Structure.)
The Strategic Reforms Implementation Unit (SRIU) was established in October, 2014. It is responsible for developing the overall strategy, framework and methodology for implementation, developing tools and templates, facilitating capacity-building and monitoring and reporting on the progress of Project Future projects.
As of 25 May, 2016, a total of 57 projects are being monitored. This is an increase of six (6), compared to the number defined by Cabinet in their Programme Brief.
However, there are no net new projects. Instead, some of the more complex of the original 51 projects have been split into sub-projects. This was anticipated in the Programme Brief.
The range of Project Future projects is vast. They cut across the Public Service, and include large, complex capital projects, such as the Cruise Berthing Facility, transformational projects such as the Creation of a Utilities Commission, projects that look at options to improve efficiencies of departments or particular services such as Vehicle Safety Inspections, as well as key priority areas such as Unemployment.
The Project Future projects have been grouped by Cabinet into the three (3) main groupings, according to their nature and scope and their governance arrangements: 1. Achieving Better Outcomes (ABO) projects. 2. Public Service Innovation (PSI) Projects. 3. Civil Service Transformation Projects. (See Appendix II for more details on the project groupings).
Perspective from the Ministry of Planning, Lands, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure (PLAH&I)
By Hon. D. Kurt Tibbetts, Minister for Planning, Lands, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure.
“The process that has been developed for Project Future projects means that at the end of the day the Government is in the most informed position as they make decisions. This process means that spending is not based on a whim and fancy, but rather on empirical evidence. Through this process the Government is able to refer to facts as we justify the decisions taken. The challenge that we face is how we resource this work and ensure that the day to day work of the civil service and the projects that fall outside of Project Future are not compromised.”
The Business Case Review Panel
A Business Case Review Panel is an important part of the Project Future implementation strategy and methodology. It is responsible for providing quality reviews of Outline Business Cases. The panel works to criteria developed by the Strategic Reforms Implementation Unit and provides feedback on Outline Business Cases to Chief Officers and business case writers. They identify areas for improvement before the Outline Business Cases are submitted to Cabinet for approval.
To date the panel has reviewed and provided feedback on five (5) Outline Business Cases, beginning with the Business Case that made the case to create a new Office of the Ombudsman. This Business Case was subsequently revised and approved by Cabinet, and the project team is now preparing detailed project plans.
The members of the Panel include a mix of private and public sector members. Private sector participants include: Mr Steve McIntosh (Chair), CEO CML Offshore Recruitment and Mr Chris Johnson, Managing Director, Chris Johnson Associates. Public Sector participants include: Mr Ian Tibbetts, Director E-Government; Mr Graeme Jackson, Management Support Advisor and Ms Lauren Knight, Internal Audit Manager, Portfolio of the Civil Service; Mr Peter Gough, Strategic Advisor, Office of the Deputy Governor; Mr Craig Milley, Director, Procurement; Mr Randy Myles, Deputy Manager EPS Reporting, Ministry of Finance; Ms Reshma Sharma, Senior Crown Counsel, Portfolio of Legal Affairs.
To prepare for their role, members attended a workshop on 30 September, 2015. Facilitated by the Strategic Reforms Implementation Unit and change management consultants, the workshop was part of a series developed for Ministers, Chief Officer and Business Case Writers and the Business Case Review Panel, on the way in which Business Cases are to be researched, produced, presented and assessed.
The Project Future (PF) “Programme Brief” was issued by the Premier and Deputy Governor in November, 2015. It provides details of some 51 projects, which Cabinet has selected for the Civil Service to take forward. The Project Future projects are broadly phased, for development and delivery over a period of at least five years. These projects are the means by which the Government aims to turn their policy commitments and efficiency improvements into action.
This first Update Report marks the first six months since the Project Future programme was officially launched. It provides information on progress, drawn from reports from Chief Officers, and other monitoring activities carried out by the Strategic Reforms Implementation Unit (SRIU), on behalf of Cabinet and the Deputy Governor. It provides baseline information against which future progress reports can be compared.
Building Capacity to Manage and Deliver Projects
Through Project Future, the Civil Service is making a considerable effort to improve its ability to manage and deliver projects effectively and efficiently. To date, over 80 civil servants have been trained in the business case development process and around 75 civil servants have participated in project management training. The vast majority of the business case documents, to date, have been developed by using in-house resources, following an agreed template and methodology. Government ministries and departments must continue to be engage in building skills of leaders and delivery teams in these important areas.
Whatever the project in hand, the underlying principles being applied are the same: rigorous planning and preparation, using robust business case and project management methodologies; commercial arrangements that secure value for money; and clear lines of accountability. By providing a central source of oversight and support for the Project Future projects, the SRIU is driving this approach for and across government. One of most important parts of the Project Future methodology is that it requires projects to have crystal clear objectives, well defined benefits and appropriately detailed plans, right from the start. While the Project Future methodology does not guarantee project success, it aims to give projects every chance of success.
The Project Future methodology also enables decision- makers to use the results of Strategic Assessment and/or the Outline Business Cases to decide whether the project should proceed or be “stepped down”. There are other formal opportunities for step-down decisions to be made at every phase of the Project Future Project Methodology (see Table 1 on page 14, for an overview and explanation of the various Project Future phases). This addresses one of the gaps in the way projects have been managed within the Cayman Islands Government, as identified by the Office of the Auditor General.
Problems with projects cannot be confronted unless they are fully acknowledged. Project Future has introduced a regular reporting framework. As the Civil Service becomes more experienced with formal monitoring and reporting on projects, it is expected that the reports will give project leaders and their sponsors a clear view of problems and issues as they occur. This, in turn, will enable targeted interventions to be developed.
The main challenge for Ministries to date has been in relation to meeting target dates for key deliverables. The most common reasons cited have been: lack of resources, competing priorities, and challenges related to access to data and cross-Ministerial collaboration.
Progress by the Numbers
Graph 1—3 (pages 15-19) provide an overview of progress for the projects included in the Project Future programme, as at 25 May, 2016. More detailed updates, by project and ministry, and based on progress reports from Chief Officers, are provided as Appendix III.
In the commentary on Graph 1, on page 15, details are also provided on the number of Strategic Assessments that have been finalised and approved, since November, 2015, as well as those that have been submitted for approval.
Many of the Project Future projects being progressed are at an early stage, beginning with Strategic Assessments and Outline Business Cases. These documents are the results of analysis and research undertaken by the Civil Service on the projects assigned by Cabinet (for more information about Strategic Assessments or Outline Business Cases, see Table 1 on page 14 of this document).
There is much more to do of course, and many of these projects have a long way to go before we cut ribbons. However, while the Civil Service continues to build expertise and experience, the data shows that civil servants have engaged in a lot of purposeful activity during the last six months, on many different fronts, and while navigating a steep learning curve and balancing other competing priorities.
Graph 1
As Graph 1 shows, of the 57 projects being monitored, 38 are “being progressed”. This means that two thirds or 66% of the projects (38/57) are in one of the six (6) project phases detailed on page 14 of this document.
Approvals of business case documents are key milestones for projects and for Project Future overall. Since November, 2015, one (1) Outline Business Cases and two (2) Strategic Assessments and have been finalised and approved by Cabinet:
PSI 20: Creation of the Office of the Ombudsman
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will deliver a new office that combines the Office of the Complaints Commissioner and the Information Commissioner’s Office. The independent office will also expand its remit to offer for the first time, independent investigations into public complaints against the police. In the future, additional responsibilities may be added under forthcoming data protection and whistle blower legislation.
Status: In Project Planning (a Strategic Assessment has been approved by Cabinet).
Ministry/Portfolio Update: An Outline Business Case has been approved by Cabinet. The merger proposes to enhance service delivery and good governance mechanisms. It will avoid Government spending $661,000 to set up a separate Police Complaints Authority. It will also save approximately $205,000 from the merger of Information Commissioner’s Office/Office of the Complaint’s Commissioner. A target completion date has been set for December 2016.
PSI31: Raise the Retirement Age for Civil Servants
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will deliver and implement legislation to raise the retirement age of civil servants to age 65, in tandem with legislation brought forward for private sector workers. It will contribute to the maintenance of long term stability in Government finances by reducing the demand on public sector pension plans, enhancing succession planning opportunities within the civil service, and contribute to national productivity by bringing the normal retirement age more in line with international practice.
Status: In Project Execution. Ministry/Portfolio Update: The Public Service Management (Amendment) Bill, 2016 and the Public Service Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2016 have been gazetted and are scheduled to be considered during the meeting of the LA commencing 30 June 2016. Implementation Planning is ongoing including finalising draft Regulations, undertaking necessary IT changes, and continuing communications to stakeholders about the pending changes. This project was originally expected to conclude on 30 April 2016 but made it onto the legislative calendar for May 2016 and is now scheduled for full implementation by 30 August 2016.
PSI 26: Explore Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Land Surveying Services
PSI04: Explore the Potential to Commercialise the
National Mail Service
The following have been submitted for approval:
ABO 15: Implementing E-Government
PSI 18: Options for Improving the Efficiency and
Effectiveness of Prisoner Transport
PSI27: Options to Improve the Efficiency and
Effectiveness of Vehicle Safety Inspections
A significant number of the other documents are at an advanced stage and are expected to be ready for submission in the upcoming weeks.
Graph 1 also shows:
16 projects (28%) are in phase one, which means that a Strategic Assessment is being finalised for approval by Cabinet or the Deputy Governor.
Nine (9) projects (16%) are in phase two, which means that an Outline Business Case is being finalised for approval by Cabinet or the Deputy Governor.
Seven (7) projects (12%) are in phases three or four,
which means that a Project Charter and subsequently Detailed Project Plans are being prepared for approval by the relevant Steering Committee.
Six (6) projects (10%) are in phases five or six, which means that they are either being “Executed” or in the Closing Phase – which requires the preparation of a “Close-Out” report.
One (1) project (2%) has been closed and completed.
The remaining eighteen (18) projects (32%) are “not being progressed” at this stage. This includes:
Projects for which work is not yet scheduled to begin, according to timelines agreed with Cabinet or the Deputy Governor. This applies to 14 projects.
Projects which have missed a current deadline for a specific phase. This applies to four (4) projects – the reasons for missed deadlines vary – See Appendix III.
Projects which have been taken out of the Project Future programme. This currently applies to one (1) project, which has been transferred to another programme.
For more details on the progress for each individual Project Future projects, by Ministry or Portfolio, please see Appendix III: “Projects Updates by Ministry/ Portfolio, as at 25 May, 2016”.
Table 1 of this report (page 14) provides an overview and explanation of the various Project Future project phases.
Graph 2
Graph 2 (page 16) provides information on the status of individual projects, by Project Phase, as at 25 May, 2016.
Graphs 3 – 13
Graphs 3 to 13 (page 17 and 18) provide an overview of projects by phase and by Ministry/Portfolio, as at 25 May, 2016.
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will deliver a new office that combines the Office of the Complaints Commissioner and the Information Commissioner’s Office. The independent office will also expand its remit to offer for the first time, independent investigations into public complaints against the police. In the future, additional responsibilities may be added under forthcoming data protection and whistle blower legislation.
Status: In Project Planning (a Strategic Assessment has been approved by Cabinet). Ministry/Portfolio Update:
An Outline Business Case has been approved by Cabinet. The merger proposes to enhance service delivery and
good governance mechanisms. It will avoid Government spending $661,000 to set up a separate Police Complaints Authority. It will also save approximately $205,000 from the merger of Information Commissioner’s Office/Office of the Complaint’s Commissioner.
A target completion date has been set for December 2016.
PSI31: Raise the Retirement Age for Civil Servants
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will deliver and implement legislation to raise the retirement age of civil servants to age 65, in tandem with legislation brought forward for private sector workers. It will contribute to the maintenance of long term stability in Government finances by reducing the demand on public sector pension plans, enhancing succession planning opportunities within the civil service, and contribute to national productivity by bringing the normal retirement age more in line with international practice.
Status: In Project Execution. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
The Public Service Management (Amendment) Bill, 2016 and the Public Service Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2016
have been gazetted and are scheduled to be considered during the meeting of the LA commencing 30 June 2016.
Implementation Planning is ongoing including finalising draft Regulations, undertaking necessary IT changes, and continuing communications to stakeholders about the pending changes.
This project was originally expected to conclude on 30 April 2016 but made it onto the legislative calendar for May
2016 and is now scheduled for full implementation by 30 August 2016.
CST06: Develop a Policy to Safeguard Staff Impacted by Organisational
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This is an enabling project, to deliver a set of standards and guidelines for the personnel arrangements to be followed when a Project Future project results in organizational re-arrangements.
Status: In Project Execution. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A draft Policy and Code of Practice was prepared by the Portfolio of the Civil Service in September 2015 setting
out the objectives and safeguards anticipated in the event employees are impacted by organisational change such as restructuring or privatisation. Further to legal advice received in March 2016, it has been agreed that standalone legislation is required where a form of reorganisation includes privatisation. Therefore the scope and complexity of the project has changed and the timeframe has been extended. The Portfolio of the Civil Service is working closely with the Portfolio of Legal Affairs to identify ways to fast track this body of work.
Projects which involve mergers or internal reorganizations can still proceed under the provisions of the Public
Service Management Law, so internal restructuring projects can proceed and are already underway.
CST09: Improving Customer Service
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project aims to explore options for a comprehensive programme to improve customer service within the Cayman Islands Civil Service.
Status: This project has been removed from the Project Future programme. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
This project has been approved to move from the Project Future programme, to be taken forward as one of five key
areas of focus under the new 5-year Strategic Plan for the Civil Service running 2016 to 2021.
CST07: Modernising Terms and Conditions of Civil Servants
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project explores options to update civil servants’ terms and conditions, in a manner which embraces modern HR strategies, including cost -sharing for benefits and addresses anomalies arising from over-reliance on short-term strategies to cut costs.
Status: An Outline Business Case is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
The Government has announced that it is targeting 2018 as the date for implementing proposals for cost -sharing
on healthcare. A working committee including representatives of the Portfolio of the Civil Service and the Cayman Islands Civil Service Association has been established to obtain necessary technical advice and to advise the Government on a strategy which delivers cost-savings and more importantly involves risk-sharing with employees on future healthcare cost projections.
Work has commenced on Phase I – An Outline Business Case “Explore Potential for Healthcare Cost Sharing between Government and its Employees”. However, the deadline of 31 May, 2016 for preparing an Outline Business Case has been negatively impacted by initial delays in obtaining expert data on costing proposals. Partial data was received in May 2016. CINICO is obtaining the remaining data from its actuaries. External expert advice may be required in reviewing the data and assessing healthcare options. While the initial Outline Business Case deadline has been delayed, as the full project implementation deadline is not until
2018, the project is still on target for ultimate completion.
CST02.6: Merger of Internal Audit and HR Audit
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project is being progressed as a sub- project under “Shared Services”. It will explore the potential for a merger of Internal Audit and HR Audit, two agencies that have similar functions and are already co-situated within the Portfolio of the Civil Service.
Status: An Outline Business Case is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
An Outline Business Case has been submitted and a quality review has been completed. It is now being finalised
for approval.
CST05: Improving Performance Management within the Civil Service
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project takes forward further incremental improvements to the performance management system, to make current practice more effective in managing actual performance and using the process to drive performance improvements .
Status: In Project Execution. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
The following work has been completed:
Creation of learning pathways which are linked to various professional pathways
Deployment of a revised electronic performance management template
Deployment of a new electronic disciplinary support system
Other work to be delivered includes:
Providing management training on SMART goal setting and having meaningful performance management meetings by 30 June, 2016.
Developing a detailed work plan for further planned improvements during the 16/17 financial year by 30 June,
ABO01: Creation of a Policy Framework
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): There is no clearly articulated vision for the future of the Cayman Islands. Without such a vision, it is difficult for the Government to take decisions and make strategic choices between options for the future. This project focuses on the development of a vision and the creation of a medium term Government Strategy and financial plan, to translate the vision into a programme of Government action.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
Following initial discussions with Caucus, detailed work on ABO 01 has been put on hold to allow further
consideration of the scope and timing of the project. Options will be considered and a change request will be prepared for Cabinet.
ABO15: Implementing E-Government
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This initiative is about the development and implementation of an overarching E-Government strategy for the Cayman Islands that will improve the customer experience, reduce costs and improve the perception and competitiveness of the jurisdiction.
Status: An Outline Business Case is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
An Outline Business Case has been quality reviewed, finalised and submitted for approval.
Move London Office to Cabinet Portfolio
Status: completed and closed 1 July, 2015.
CST01: Improving Government Communications Activities
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project explores potential options to improve Government Communication activities. The Government sponsored a communications capability review undertaken by the UK Government Communications Service. The outcome of that review is guiding the creation and implementation of necessary changes.
Status: Outline Business Case not yet progressed. However, key enabling elements of the project are in progress.
Ministry/Portfolio Update:
Following last year’s review of our communications, the Government has continued to implement many of the report’s recommendations. One particular area that has seen progress is around professionalising the capacity of our internal communications to engage our staff and connect them with the Government’s priorities, fostering better connectedness and promoting collaboration.
This is being done with the support of a UK Government communications professional who is assisting the leadership in providing change communications that can assist us with the delivery of some of our most important programmes.
There are further plans to appoint within the next 3 months a Director of Communications in the Cabinet Office to coordinate overall communications across the public sector and to oversee the implementation of standardization within the communications profession.
As per agreed timelines, an Outline Business Case is currently scheduled to be delivered by 30 September, 2016.
Project Sponsor: Mr. Kevin McCormac, Chief Officer
CST02.5: Explore Potential to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of
Tribunal Administration
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project is being progressed as a sub- project under “Shared Services”. The Bill of Rights requires appeals to be heard by an independent and impartial tribunal. There are currently separate Tribunals and Tribunal administration for over 100 tribunals. This project explores potential solutions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Tribunal Administration within CIG, to create a tribunal service that is integrated, professional, efficient and customer-focused.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment has been finalised and has been submitted for approval.
ABO02: Modernisation of Social Assistance Programmes
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will create a coherent, Government-wide policy towards the social assistance programmes that the Government operates, with clear objectives and underpinned by appropriate, up-to-date legislation. It will also evaluate the effectiveness of current programmes against these objectives.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, an Outline Business Case is currently scheduled to be delivered by 30 November, 2016.
The Ministry has commenced preparations to draft an Outline Business Case. Initial meetings have been held and the collection of data has commenced.
ABO13: Explore Potential for a Comprehensive Approach to Early Intervention to
Support Children and Young People at Risk of Criminality
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will evaluate existing activity which could form part of an early intervention progamme to divert young people what are at risk away from crime. It will establish a suitable programme of risk-based, early intervention, based on established international practice .
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, a Strategic Assessment is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 December, 2016 .
PSI06: Explore Options for the Future of the Children and Youth Services
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): The CAYS Foundation operates three residential facilities for children and young people at risk, running therapeutic and rehabilitative programmes. This project will determine the extent of any efficiency that would arise from reintegrating CAYS into the Department of Children and Family Services, and examine whether this reintegration would enable more effective service delivery. It will identify any risks arising from reintegration, in particular to CAYS access to non-governmental funding.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, a Strategic Assessment is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 July, 2016.
ABO04: Development of Cruise Berthing Facilities
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project aims to deliver new cruise berthing facilities in George Town. The improvements will make a significant contribution to supporting continued growth in the key tourism sector.
Status: In Project Planning. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
Cabinet approved an Outline Business Case for new cruise facilities in 2013. An Environmental Economic Impact
Appraisal by PWC was approved in 2015, as an addendum to the Outline Business Case, updated with the findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
The project is valued at around $150m. The PWC report estimates a positive economic impact from capital expenditure during construction, over 3 years, of at least $156m and the creation of 500 jobs.
The Major Projects Office has completed a bidder pre-qualification process and will issue in May a Request for
Proposal (RFP) for the civil engineering works.
The Ministry is continuing to engage with cruise line on the commercial terms regarding usage of the proposed cruise berthing facility.
A dedicated project manager has been appointed by the Port Authority and will start July 2016.
ABO05: Modernizing Facilities at Owen Roberts International Airport
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project aims to deliver improvements at Owen Roberts International Airport, largely in support of the tourism industry but there will be benefits to business more broadly and to residents as facilities are upgraded
Status: In Project Execution. Update:
Phase I is due to be completed by end of June 2016. It consists of around $3 million of enabling works, to build a
new facility for the outgoing baggage make-up area. Completion will allow for phase II to start.
Phase II was awarded in May 2016, having been out for open and competitive tender. This phase will deliver a new airport terminal and is valued at around $40m. It is scheduled to start in June/July 2016 and to be completed by
Summer 2018.
PSI12: Explore Options for The Future of the Tourism Attractions Board
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project aims to take forward a number of the specific ideas for the future activities of the Board, which were put forward in the EY report, with the twin aims of developing the five tourism products overseen by the Board in the most effective way and reducing overall cost to Government . This project is actively pursuing the use of private sector contracts and partnership arrangements, while retaining public ownership.
Status: In Project Execution. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
The Tourism Attractions Board (TAB) Administrative Office has moved from leased accommodation to the Pedro
St. James Site.
New cruise line tours have been added to Pedro St. James.
Expressions of Interest have been requested for the lease of the Café. A lease should be signed next week to commence 1 October 2016.
A Strategic Planning Retreat has taken place and a Report of Recommendations has been produced.
A Strategic Marketing Plan for Pedro St. James and Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park has been produced and accepted by the Board. The remaining TAB entities are to be added to the Strategic Marketing Plan.
The TAB Strategic Plan is to be produced by 30 July 2016.
PSI29: Explore Options for The Future of The Native Tree Nursery Outside of
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will investigate options for the ownership and operation of the Nursery outside of Government while ensuring that the non-c0ommercial aspects of the Nursery’s remit are safeguarded in any new operational model.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, an Outline Business Case is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 December, 2017.
PSI10: Explore Options for The Future of the Turtle Farm
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will examine options for the future ownership and/or operation of the Turtle Farm as a whole or in parts.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, a Strategic Assessment is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 July, 2018.
Minister: Hon. Tara Rivers
Project Sponsor: Mr. Christen Suckoo, Chief Officer
Delivery of Services and Programme to Address Unemployment
(This is being progressed as 3 separate projects as detailed below.)
ABO 03: Delivery of Services and Programmes to Address Unemployment
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project aims to bring coherence to the wide range of activities designed to support local employment in the short and longer term, and to identify and align other activities of Government that could contribute to employment policy with employment objectives. It is intended to review and give consideration to the recommendations made by the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Employment in the June 2015 report, “Review of Employment Policy and Strategy in the Cayman Islands”.
Status: A sub-project, Ready2Work KY is in Project Execution.
Ministry/Portfolio Update:
Ready2Work KY was launched 1 Feb, 2013:
It is a public private initiative that supports employers as they make best efforts to hire Caymanians and supports
Caymanians to access and maintain employment.
Participants undergo soft skills training, recruitment activities and probationary employment with the aim of securing long-term employment. Currently there are 3 cohorts, with a total of 33 active participants.
ABO03.01 Explore the Best Arrangements for the Administration of Work Permits
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): The process for granting and administering the issue of work permits is operated through the Immigration Service. There is a question as to whether there is a clearer fit with the broader work on all the employment issues with the Ministry of EEEG&A. This project aims to investigate the potential for full integration between Government activities to support Caymanian employment and the work permit process. It also aims to address the concerns of business over the current arrangements and to identify process improvements to ensure that permits are issued more efficiently. It will also identify the most appropriate administrative structure for the future. The Ministry of EEG&A is expected to work with in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Status: Not yet progressed.
Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, a Strategic Assessment is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 July, 2017.
The exploratory work engaged in via the National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA) Clearinghouse project, below will provide a starting point for the development of this Strategic Assessment.
ABO03.02 National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA) Clearinghouse
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project seeks to engage in the work necessary to position the NWDA as a National Clearinghouse for all jobs. Employers would be mandated to post available jobs with the NWDA prior to the submission of a work permit application, allowing ample time to engage in efforts to recruit a suitably qualified Caymanian before engaging in efforts to obtain a work permit to employ a foreign national.
Status: An Outline Business Case is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
An Outline Business Case has been submitted and a quality review has been completed. The Ministry is now working with
Ministry of Home Affairs to finalize the Outline Business Case for approval.
PSI19: Options for the Future Regulation of Private Sector Pensions
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project focuses on taking forward the Government’s commitment to a major review of the legal and regulatory framework for private section pensions, to address to a large extent some of the long standing concerns such as a culture of non-compliance and a limited attention to the regulation of pension plans and plan providers.
Status: In Project Planning. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
Phase 1 (completion of legislation) was completed 4 May 2016 with the approval of the National Pensions
(Amendment) Bill 2016.
This Bill contains some 50 amendments, including increasing the age at which persons become entitled to access their pension (formerly known as the ‘normal retirement age’), how often members receive statements about the performance of their pensions, when non-Caymanian employees become pensionable, when pensioners can transfer their pensions to an overseas pensions plan, and when pension administrators should notify employees that their employer is in arrears.
The completion of the detailed plan for implementation is on track for July 31st, 2016 (Phase 2 – implementation).
This will include such things as a communications plan and a plan for addressing any operational changes at the
Department of Labour and Pensions, to prepare for implementation. It will also include the completion and implementation of key supporting Pensions Regulations.
ABO08: Merger of Schools in the Brac
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project involves the future configuration of primary education on Cayman Brac. A Strategic Assessment identified a preferred option to merge the three primary schools into a single new school, with the potential to deliver cost savings and support the achievement of better educational outcomes for students. The Outline Business Case will consider the best option for siting the new school, either on one current site or on a completely new site on the bluff. It will also evaluate the option to relocate the Brac’s secondary school to the new site as well.
Status: Not yet progressed.
Ministry/Portfolio Update:
This project has been paused to allow work on the recommencement of the John Gray High School project to proceed. The Ministry is preparing to recommence work on this project, in collaboration with the Ministry of District Administration, Tourism and Transport.
This Outline Business Case was initially scheduled for 30 April, 2016. (A request is being prepared for a revised delivery date.)
ABO07: Transform Education Governance and Drive an Improvement in
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): A new Education Bill 2015 has been completed and is scheduled for review in the upcoming sitting of the LA. The Bill creates the ability for Cabinet to establish executive decision-making authorities for government schools, which allows for community partners, parents and other groups of persons to be involved in prescribed decision-making in relation to the conduct of schools. This project will develop a decision-making framework and implementation pathway that will facilitate the establishment of such authorities.
Status: Not yet progressed.
Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, an Outline Business Case is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 July, 2016.
The 2015 KPMG ‘Independent Review of Cayman Islands’ Public Education System’ serves as the Strategic
Assessment for this project.
Minister: Hon. Wayne Paton
Project Sponsor: Mr. Dax Basdeo, Chief Officer
ABO12: Explore Options for Extending Support to the Financial Services
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): The Government is clear on its objectives to create and sustain an environment in which the Financial Services Industry can remain internationally competitive, with a fair, robust and efficient regulatory framework. This project will consider the business case for further extending Government support to the Financial Services Industry by weighing any increase in investment against the benefits that could be realized.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
The start of this project/Outline Business Case was preceded by the 16/17 budget planning, which includes funding
for the Financial Services industry. This funding is underpinned by a strategic document which establishes the following objectives for this funding: Promotion and Development of the Cayman Islands Financial Services Industry.
This Outline Business Case was initially scheduled for 31 March, 2016. (A request will be prepared, to seek
Cabinet’s direction on the way forward. )
Project Sponsor: Mr. Dax Basdeo, Chief Officer
ABO10: Explore Potential to Improve Government Support to New Businesses
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project focuses on government support for small business. Historically this work has been undertaken by CIG but had been discontinued due to resource constraints and a lack of clarity in role as compared to other business support organizations. This project seeks to develop a better understanding of the needs of small businesses and of the range of help and support already available. It will consider options to make the most effective use of private sector contracts and partnership arrangements to enhance the support provided to small businesses.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
The Department of Commerce and Investment’s (DCI) activities used to include support for small business. It was
agreed that the Department would not only strengthen its licensing and enforcement functions, but it would take on new regulatory responsibilities. As such, it was decided that the functions relating to support for small businesses should be transferred to the Ministry.
The Ministry has awarded a contract to the Chamber of Commerce to provide monthly small business workshops free of charge to small business owners on relevant topics. There has been significant interest in these workshops with on average of 25 to 30 small business owners in attendance.
The Ministry has continued to partner with University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) on its Student Consulting Programme which was launched in 2008 by DCI. The programme assists small businesses with free business evaluation and advice, while providing practical experience to senior-business students at UCCI.
The Ministry has also partnered with the Small Business Association to host the 2016 Small Business Expo.
In progressing this Strategic Assessment, the Ministry has consulted with its key stakeholders, including the Chamber of Commerce and Small Business Association, which has informed the options for consideration in the Strategic Assessment.
A draft Strategic Assessment has been submitted and feedback has been provided; the Strategic Assessment is now being finalised for formal submission by 30 June, 2016.
PSI16: Explore the Potential to Commercialise the Stock Exchange
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will explore options to improve the commercial viability of the Stock Exchange and its potential for future sale in the longer term.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, a Strategic Assessment is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 July, 2018.
CST03: Improve Government Procurement
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): In February 2015, the Government appointed a new Director of Procurement. This project covers three areas of activity under his remit:
1. Establishing the necessary governance arrangements through a new legislative framework.
2. Identifying areas where there is savings potential form Government contracts through the use of category management approaches, supported by the necessary analytics
3. Establishing a central procurement functions to set Government standards, tools and templates.
Status: In Project Planning. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
Drafting instructions for a new Procurement Law & Regulations have been completed and submitted to Legislative
New Bid documents templates have been completed.
A 3-day intensive procurement training programme for civil servants is planned for June 15-17, 2016.
Planning and preparations for implementation are underway for:
Policies, procedures and protocols, establishment of a Public Procurement Committee, development of a
Procurement Code of Conduct, and development of a policy training and orientation;
A new online repository for procurement;
A new website to advertise tenders and to report contract awards; and
A Reverse Auction Pilot Project to be launched in 2017, as an opportunity for CIG to pursue savings opportunities.
CST08: Explore Potential Solutions to the Problem of Qualified Audit Opinions
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project seeks to address areas of
weakness identified by the Auditor General, in order for CIG to receive unqualified or “clean” audit opinions.
Status: In Project Initiation. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
Interagency charges have been confirmed and agreed.
Further work is being planned:
Separation of the accounting for the Public Service Pensions Board and the Public Service Pension Plans, by 31 July 2016;
Public Management and Finance (Amendment) Bill, 2016 , by 30 September 2016;
Implement an AGIS interagency module, by 31 December 2016.
CST02: Shared Services
(This is being progressed as 4 sub projects, as detailed below.)
CST02.1: Explore Potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Support Services through a
Shared Services Model
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project explores the potential to introduce a Shared Services model for Government HR, Finance and Revenue collection functions and services.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, a Strategic Assessment is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 December, 2016.
Initial research has commenced, plans are in place to engage key stakeholders, and the impact on current legislation is being explored.
CST02.2: Increase the Level of Oversight by the Central Finance Function
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project seeks to address the inconsistencies in the finance function to ensure different areas are operating in a consistent fashion and to provide a strong central finance function that supports and guides Public Sector entities.
Status: This sub-project is in Project Initiation. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
The Financial Secretary has been established as the leader for CIG’s Finance Function.
Monthly Chief Financial Officer meetings have been introduced. Further work is being planned:
Develop a Chief Financial Officer Handbook, by 30 June 2016.
Develop a Revenue Completeness Methodology and Framework, by 30 June 2016.
CST02.3: Reintroduce Interagency Charging
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project explores the potential case and options for an interagency model that would enable government to more accurately cost services while addressing the shortcomings of the previous model utilised within the civil service.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, an Outline Business Case is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 December, 2016.
PSI15: Customs Efficiencies
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): Customs are currently working on improving efficiencies and performance, in areas such as improvements in enforcement and the implementation of a new IT system called TRIPS (Total Revenue Integrated Processing System). This is being introduced in several modules stages including electronic processing (online), risk analysis and electronic content management. Additional opportunities such as Kiosks for self-assessment of customs payments and introducing a paperless customs process will also be considered.
Status: In Project Execution. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
Seventy percent (70%) of the Total Revenue Integrated Revenue System (TRIPS) modules have been implemented and are being used. This system is being used in all major sections of the Department including Collections, In –
Bond (Bonded Warehousing), Owen Roberts International Airport, Enforcement (Intelligence, Fraud, Narcotics)
and Accounts.
Since the implementation of TRIPS, the quality of statistical data made available to the Economic and Statistics
Office has improved.
Seventy percent (70%) of Cargo Declaration details entered into TRIPS are being submitted online via the trader portal. Since online submission started, internal data entry activity has been reduced, allowing the Customs Department more time to focus on compliance and enforcement activities. Consequently, the Customs Department is now better prepared and positioned to execute selective inspections because electronic risk assessment is being done by TRIPS. This has improved our enforcement capabilities.
The progress towards Paperless Customs Cargo Declaration Processing is twenty five percent (25%) complete. As indicated earlier, the Department has been receiving cargo declaration details online through the trader portal. The interface to allow for supporting documents to be received electronically is currently being tested.
The recommendation for Kiosks for self-assessment of customs payments is still being considered but is unlikely to be adopted because of the inherent revenue risks associated with such a system.
By 31 December 2016, the Collector of Customs will implement a new organizational structure for the Department which will facilitate the more efficient deployment of resources in order to improve the Department’s overall performance.
ABO09.01: Explore Options for the Future Operation and Funding of CINICO
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will review the operation of CINICO in the context of the wider health insurance market and consider the best means of providing health insurance to civil servants, seafarers and veterans. The project will also examine the scope for CINICO to diversify its range of products. Related to the wider health transformation project, it will explore the most appropriate relationship between CINICO and the HSA, both from a Government and a customer viewpoint..
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, a Strategic Assessment is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 July, 2016.
PSI13: Explore Potential to Improve Debt Collection
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): There is a significant problem with recovery of debts on services provided by the HSA. By the end of 2015/16 the provision for HSA bad debts is estimated to reach over $80m, having risen from
$45m over a three-year period. This project is expected to redesign the process for HSA income/debt collection going forward to ensure it
is effective in recovering money owed and that bad debts do not accumulate. It will design a process to review all outstanding HSA debt. It will also propose a programme of similar action for other parts of Government as necessary.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
An early-stage draft has been submitted and feedback has been provided. The Chief Officer reports that access to
relevant data has improved over the last two weeks and submission of the Strategic Assessment is now anticipated for June, 2016.
PSI22: Explore Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of
Government Catering and Linen Services
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): Currently, catering services at the hospital and prisons are provided in-house. It appears that costs are high and the quality of provision is open to improvement. This project will review the efficiency and effectiveness of current catering in the hospital and prisons and linen services in the hospital. It will consider the scope to increase the use of external contractors and how the work might be appropriately packaged.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment has been submitted, and a quality review is scheduled to be completed by the end of May 2016.
PSI23: Explore the Potential Benefits of the Creation of a Single Cultural
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): Currently there are three separate entities dealing with aspects of Caymanian cultural heritage-the National Museum, the National Gallery and the Cayman National Cultural Foundation.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
As per agreed timelines, an Outline Business Case is currently scheduled to be delivered by 31 March, 2017.
This project will be informed by a new National Culture and Heritage Policy. The Steering Committee has been convened and the process for the policy is moving forward.
The policy is scheduled for approval by the end of 2016.
ABO11: Develop and Implement a new Sustainable Waste Strategy for the Cayman Islands
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): The Cayman Islands currently has an over- reliance on landfills, which is both unsustainable and undesirable. The Government commissioned work to create and implement a new national waste management policy and to develop an Outline Business Case, with options for an integrated waste management solution for the Cayman Islands.
Status: An Outline Business Case is being progressed (Strategic Outline Case approved by Cabinet). Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Outline Case was prepared by consultants and agreed by Cabinet pre-Project Future, in April 2014.
A National Solid Waste Strategy has now been finalized for approval from Cabinet and subsequent release it to the public.
The Outline Business Case is being prepared by the consultants and is expected to be finalised in the next few weeks.
ABO09: Explore Potential to Transform Health Provision
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will review the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations of the Health Services Authority’s operations and consider alternative means of meeting the health needs of HSA customers, either through a reformed HSA model, a wholly outsourced provider or some form of joint venture. It will also review process for overseas treatment procedures.
Status: Not yet progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
The Office of the Auditor General has proposed a performance audit on the health service which has potential
implications for this project. The Chief Officer is currently seeking clarification. A Strategic Assessment was initially scheduled for 31 May, 2016.
ABO14: Explore Potential for a Comprehensive Approach to Incentivizing
Business Behaviours
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): The Cayman Islands has traditionally relied on systems of penalties in order to drive business behaviours, in particular in relation to the employment of Caymanians. This project will review plans for the accreditation scheme and consider the potential for a comprehensive framework to incentivize responsible business behaviours across key areas of business activity.
Status: An Outline Business Case on an Immigration Accreditation System is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
An Outline Business Case on an Immigration Accreditation System is being taken forward as a first sub-project.
The Outline Business Case was submitted and a quality review has been completed. It is currently being revised for resubmission.
A Strategic Assessment on a broader package of options for incentivizing positive behaviours is planned as the next deliverable.
CST04: IT Transformation
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): There has been no coherent IT strategy driving Government activity. The need to address this has been recognised and Deloitte was commissioned to draft a proposed way forward. The further development and implementation of their work is an essential component of this project. It will also need to address systematically information ownership and dissemination and on the appropriation configuration for the delivery of IT services, either in-house, using external providers, or in combination.
Status: An Outline Business Case is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
An Outline Business Case was submitted and a quality review has been completed. It is currently being revised for
PSI02: Exploring Options to improve Effectiveness of Current Arrangements for Developing and Implementing Drugs Policy
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): Concern over drug use and the relationship to crime and health problems is high in the community. This project will determine whether the range of functions currently required of the NDC under its legislative mandate (for information and intervention) are actually desirable in terms of the potential impact on drug use and dependency. Building on recent work, it will investigate whether there are significant gaps or overlaps between the NDC and other agencies and how this might be rectified. It will also recommend a framework for on-going evaluation and review of the effectiveness of drug policy in the islands.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment was submitted, and a quality review has been completed. It is currently being revised for
PSI18: Explore Options for Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of
Prisoner Transport
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): Where necessary, prisoners are currently transported between the Court and Prison by Government staff in Government vehicles. This project will review the efficiency and effectiveness of current prisoner and custodial transport activity; consider the scope to increase the use of external contractors; and determine how the work might be appropriately packaged.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment was submitted and a quality review has been completed. The Strategic Assessment has
now been finalised and submitted for approval.
PSI24: Explore Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of
Public Works’ Operations
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will consider the scope to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services provided by the Public Works Department, including the potential to increase private sector provision of services.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment was submitted, which combines this project and PSI25. It has been finalised and submitted
for approval.
PSI25: Explore Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries Unit
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will focus on a review of the efficiency and effectiveness of current activity of the Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries Unit, including the current use of other contractors for this area of work. It will consider whether this unit could take on work for other government entities, either within Public Works or as a new businesses and the scope to increase the use of external contractors and how this work might be appropriately packaged.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
See PSI24.
PSI03: Explore Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Planning and Building Inspection
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): The efficiency and effectiveness of the work of planning and building inspection are crucial in supporting appropriate private sector investment, which itself stimulates vital economic growth. This project will consider the scope for changes which reduce costs, improve efficiency and which deliver better, more timely services to customers .
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment was submitted and a quality review has been completed. It is now being finalised for
PSI01: Explore Options for Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of
Light Vehicle Maintenance
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will explore the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of light vehicle maintenance, which is currently carried out in -house by the Department of Vehicle and Equipment Services on behalf of nearly all other services.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment was submitted and a quality review has been completed. It is now being finalised for
PSI04: Explore the Potential to Commercialize the National Mail Service
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will analyse the current and future markets in which the National Postal Service operates, forecast potential revenue and consider strategic responses, including the potential for partnering (“worksharing”) arrangements with related private sector providers. It will also explore the potential for extending mail services ‘ operations into related fields, consider options for revenue generation and the potential for reducing costs.
Status: This project is being progressed (a Strategic Assessment has been approved by Cabinet). Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment has been approved, and preparations are underway to progress to the next stage, to
develop an Outline Business Case.
PSI11: Explore Options for the Future of the NRA and its Operational Activities
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will examine opportunities to make the current in-house NRA operations more effective and efficient and consideration can also be given to extending the use of external contractors.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment was submitted and a quality review has been completed. It is now being finalised for
PSI21: Explore Options to Reconfigure Government Security Services to
Reduce Cost and Improve Effectiveness
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): The Government currently contracts for a considerable number of security personnel across its estate. This project will re-evaluate security risk across the Government estate in order to ensure that future security services and physical security measures are matched to the assessment of risk. It will then consider the potential to alter contacting arrangements with private sector security for some or all Government work and examine the potential to use redeployed Government security guards to take on some or all functions currently undertaken by unfirmed police officers.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment has been submitted that examines all security services except those provided by uniformed
Police Officers, for the issuing of Criminal Warrants and Summonses and other police activity. A quality review has been completed and it is now being finalised for approval.
An evaluation of security services not in scope for this Strategic Assessment will be re-assigned to the Ministry of
Home Affairs.
PSI26: Explore Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Land
Surveying Services
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will review the size, function, efficiency and effectiveness of current in-house land surveying activity; consider the scope to develop the use of external contractors; and determine how the work might be appropriately packaged.
Status: This project is being progressed (a Strategic Assessment has been approved by Cabinet). Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment has been approved, and preparations are underway to progress to the next stage, to
develop an Outline Business Case.
PSI09: Rationalization of Property Holdings to Support Investment
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): The Government has considerable property holdings not currently required for operational reasons and unlikely to be required in the future. An initial sifting process has taken place within Cabinet and has identified an initial tranche of parcels of land for disposal. This project will identify the best means by which the initial tranche of land sales might be taken to market an propose a re-review process once future investment plans are known. .
Status: An Outline Business Case is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
An Outline Business Case has been submitted and is scheduled for a quality review.
PSI27: Explore Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Vehicle
Safety Inspections
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): This project will review the efficiency and effectiveness of current in-house vehicle inspections activity provided by the Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing, and evaluate the current activity of private sector providers. If appropriate it will then examine the scope to increase the use of private sector providers and reduce the size of government operations.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment was submitted and a quality review has been completed. It has been finalised for approval.
PSI28: Explore Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of
Driving Tests
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): As part of the services provided by the Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing, the Cayman Islands Government manages the Driving Test processes for persons wishing to be licensed in compliance with the Cayman Traffic Law 2011 for drivers. This project will examine the efficiency and effectiveness of current operations and consider the scope to externalise the work, including through some form of staff mutualisation.
Status: A Strategic Assessment is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
A Strategic Assessment was submitted and a quality review has been completed. It is now being finalised for
PSI30: Creation of a Single Utilities Commission
Overview (taken from Cabinet’s Project Future Programme Brief): The Government has accepted the recommendation to create a single Utilities Commission. This project will reduce the size of Government and will create a new entity that is more efficient and effective than its predecessors. It will ensure a sound regulatory regime for the benefit of business and household customers alike.
Status: An Outline Business Case is being progressed. Ministry/Portfolio Update:
An Outline Business Case has been submitted and is scheduled for a quality review.
Appendix IV – List of Projects by Project Code
ABO01 – Creation of a Policy Framework (Cabinet Office)
ABO02 – Modernisation of Social Assistance Programmes (MCAYS) ABO03 – Effective Work Programmes – Ready2Work (EEGA)
ABO03.01 – Explore Best Arrangements for the Administration of Work
Permits (EEGA)
ABO03.02 – NWDA Clearinghouse (EEGA)
ABO04 – Development of Cruise Berthing Facilities (DATT)
ABO05 – Modernising Facilities at Owen Roberts International Airport
ABO07 – Transform Education Governance and Drive an Improvement in
Standards (EEGA)
ABO08 – Merger of Schools in the Brac (EEGA)
ABO09 – Explore Potential to Transform Health Provision (H&C) ABO09.01 – Options for the Future Operation and Funding of CINICO
ABO10 – Improve Government Support to New Businesses (FSC&E) ABO11 – Develop and Implement a New Sustainable Waste Strategy for the
Cayman Islands (H&C)
ABO12 – Extending Support to the Financial Services Industry (FSC&E) ABO13 – Explore Approaches to Early Intervention to Support Young Peo-
ple at Risk of Criminality (MCAYS)
ABO14 – Explore a Comprehensive approach to Incentivising Positive Busi- ness Behaviours (HA)
ABO15 – Implementing E-Government (Cabinet Office)
CAB – Move London Office to Cabinet Portfolio (Cabinet Office)
CST01 – Improving Government Communication Activities (Cabinet Of- fice)
CST02.1 – Explore Potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
Support Services through a Shared Services Model (F&ED/PoCS)
CST02.2 – Increase the Level of Oversight by the Central Finance Function
CST02.3 – Re-introduce Interagency Charging (F&ED)
CST02.5 – Explore Potential to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of
Tribunal Administration (Judicial)
CST02.6 – Merger of Internal Audit and HR Audit (PoCS) CST03 – Improving Government Procurement (F&ED) CST04 – IT Transformation – Programme (HA)
CST05 – Improving performance management within the civil service
CST06 – Policy to Safeguard Civil Servants Impacted by Organisational Re- Arrangements (PoCS)
CST07 – Modernising Terms and Conditions of Civil Servants (PoCS) CST08 – Explore Potential Solutions to Problem of Qualified Audit Opin-
ions (F&ED)
CST09 – Improving Customer Service (PoCS)
PSI01 – Exploring Ways to Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness of Light
Vehicle Maintenance (PLAHI)
PSI02 – Improving the Effectiveness of Arrangements for Developing and
Implementing Drugs Policy (HA)
PSI03 – Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Planning and Build- ing Inspection (PLAHI)
PSI04 – Explore the Potential to Commercialise the National Mail Service
PSI06 – Options for the Future of the Children and Youth Services Founda- tion (CAYS)
PSI09 – Rationalisation of Property Holdings to Support Investment
PSI10 – Options for the Future of the Turtle Farm (DATT)
PSI11 – Options for the Future of the NRA and its Operational Activities
PSI12 – Options for the Future of the Tourism Attractions Board (DATT) PSI13 – Explore Potential to Improve Debt Collection (H&C)
PSI15 – Customs Efficiencies (F&ED)
PSI16 – Explore the Potential to Commercialise the Stock Exchange
PSI18 – Options for Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Prisoner
Transport (HA)
PSI19 – Options for the Future Regulation of Private Sector Pensions
PSI20 – Creation of an Office of the Ombudsman (PoCS)
PSI21 – Options to reconfigure Government Security Services to Reduce
Cost & Improve Effectiveness (PLAHI)
PSI22 – Explore Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of
Government Catering Services (H&C)
PSI23 – Explore Benefits of the Creation of a Single Cultural Entity (H&C) PSI24 – Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Public
Works’ Operations (PLAHI)
PSI25 – Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Parks, Rec- reation & Cemeteries (PLAHI)
PSI26 – Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Land Sur- veying Services (PLAHI)
PSI27 – Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Vehicle Safe- ty Inspections (PLAHI)
PSI28 – Options to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Driving
Tests (PLAHI)
PSI29 – Options for the Future of the Native Tree Nursery (DATT) PSI30 – Creation of a Single Utilities Commission (PLAHI)
PSI31 – Raise the Retirement Age for Civil Servants (PoCS)