Cayman Cabinet Post Meeting Summary Sep 6 2022

Cabinet Post Meeting Summary
His Excellency the Governor Mr. Martyn Roper, OBE, chaired the meeting of the Cabinet held on Tuesday, 6th September 2022 in the Cabinet Conference Room, Government Administration Building.
Mr Dwayne Seymour, acted as Temporary Minister for Education, District Administration and Lands Mrs Katherine Ebanks-Wilks, acted as Temporary Minister for Financial Services, Commerce, Investment, Innovation and Social Development and Ms. Claire Allen, acted as Attorney General. All other Ministers and Members of Cabinet were present.
At this meeting Cabinet:
- Confirmed approval granted by circulation on 1st September 2022 to: o accepttheresignationofJudeScottasChairoftheBoardofDirectorsofCaymanAirways Ltd; and o appoint the following persons to the Board of Director of Cayman Airways Ltd; John-Paul Clarke, Chair; Kris Bergstrom, Deputy Chair and Diana DeMercado, Member;
- Confirmed noting the Cayman Islands Destination Performance Bi-Annual Report January – June 2022 on 1st September 2022;
- Confirmed noting the Cayman Islands Monthly Statistics Report July 2022 on 1st September 2022;
- Approved the issuance of a coastal works permit for construction of a dock on Block 22C Parcel 22;
- Approved extending for one year the coastal works permit for a dock and cabana offshore Block 59A Parcel 258;
- Reviewed and noted the National Conservation Council’s Annual Report for year ending 31st December 2020 and authorised the Hon Minister for Sustainability and Climate Resiliency to present the report to Parliament;
- Reviewed and noted the National Conservation Council’s Annual Report for year ending 31st December 2021 and authorised the Hon Minister for Sustainability and Climate Resiliency to present the report to Parliament;
- Reviewed and noted the National Trust for the Cayman Islands Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for year ending 30th June 2018 and authorised the Hon Minister for Sustainability and Climate Resiliency to present the report to Parliament;
- Reviewed and noted the National Trust for the Cayman Islands Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for year ending 30th June 2019 and authorised the Hon Minister for Sustainability and Climate Resiliency to present the report to Parliament;
- Reviewed and noted the National Trust for the Cayman Islands Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for year ending 30th June 2020 and authorised the Hon Minister for Sustainability and Climate Resiliency to present the report to Parliament;
- Reviewed and noted the National Trust for the Cayman Islands Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for year ending 30th June 2021 and authorised the Hon Minister for Sustainability and Climate Resiliency to present the report to Parliament;
- Approved the Supplementary Expenditure requests for the 2020 and 2021 Financial Years and authorised the Hon Minister for Finance and Economic Development to present the expenditures to the Finance Committee;
- Approved in accordance with section 159 of the Companies Act for the following companies to make application to the Grand Court for restoration to the Cayman Islands Register of Companies; CDO Partners I, Ltd; YITRON Ltd.; Dockyard Financial Ltd.; Westbrook Investments Ltd.; Caymana Reef, Ltd.;
- Approved the following appointments to the Board of the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands; Ian Wight, Chair; Caroline Barton, Deputy Chair; Bruce Rosenblatt, Director; Stefano Rosina, Director; Charles Clifford, Director;
- Approved the award of a single performance based payment to employees of the Cayman Islands Stock Exchange;
- Refused the request by Pike Cayman Limited for exemption from section 11(4)(e) of the Local Companies (Control) Act (2019 Revision);
- Refused the request by Berman Fisher Limited for exemption from section 11(4)(e) of the Local Companies (Control) Act (2019 Revision);
- Reviewed and noted the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 and authorised the Hon Minister for Financial Services and Commerce to present the report to Parliament.
- Approved the award of 4.5% honorarium (single payment) to all employees of the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands on record as at 31 December 2021.
- Reviewed and noted the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority’s Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the period 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021 and authorised the Hon Minister for Financial Services and Commerce to present the report to Parliament.
- Noted the Seabird Species Conservation Plan;
Published by the Cabinet Office on Wednesday, 14th September 2022. Guidance Notes:
- Post meeting summaries will be published by the Cabinet Office following confirmation of the Minutes.
- Only a summary of the decisions will be published.
- Cabinet discussions will not be disclosed.
- Summaries of decisions of a sensitive nature, matters of national security, those where publication breaches regional or international conventions and those relating to personal privacy will not be disclosed.
- Post meeting summaries will be available on and the Cayman Islands Government’s digital channels.