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The Encyclopedia of Earth features new article about the Cayman Islands

An excellent article published July 29 and updated July 30by lead Author World Wildlife Fund on The Encyclopedia of Earth website ( features the Ecoregions of the Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands  has two main ecoregions that occur entirely or…

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News

Little seahorse filmed in the Cayman Islands

Frans De Backer was in the Cayman Islands recently and filmed a little seahorse at Lighthouse Point, West Bay on Grand Cayman. The 2 minutes of footage is available to see on the website Frans said, “Not much words…

Editors Choice iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iWeather News

Disturbed weather out in the Atlantic, Invest 99L needs to be watched

Rob Lightbown of warned on Monday (30) of: “… a fairly robust tropical wave that is located over the northern Leeward Islands early this afternoon. This system is producing some very squally weather with wind gusts of 60 to…

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News News

New census shows sharp decline in number of rays at Cayman’s Stingray City

By Dr Guy Harvey GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands– In mid-July, personnel from the Guy Harvey Research Institute once again collaborated with the Cayman Islands Department of Environment to conduct the annual census of the stingray population in Grand Cayman’s world…

Turtle Tragedy on Public Beach in Cayman Brac

Despite pleas to Public Works and Government officials in Cayman Brac protesting brightly lit Public Beach, it became a tragic scene for 133 baby Loggerhead Turtles emerging from their nest on Sunday morning. In the early morning hours, a local…

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iOpinion iWorld News News Your View

Letter to the Editor: Don’t Let South Korea Kill Whales for Research

From Care2 Hi iNews, When will humans learn that whales are mammals too: capable of thoughts and emotions, including fear? When will we stop trying to find excuses to massacre these beautiful, intelligent animals? Now, South Koreans want to begin…

iBusiness iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News

Why we should worry on the rise and fall of oil

Now why should you worry about the price of oil if you’re not buying and selling oil? If you’re neck deep into forex, there’s one good reason. Many of the most important currency trading pairs rise and fall on the…

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iScience News

Is Your Relationship with Trees on the Rocks?

By Sarene Marshall, The Nature Conservancy Given my work for a global conservation organization and my residence in a neighborhood filled with massive oaks, maples and hickories, it shouldn’t be surprising that my family and I are fond of trees….

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News News

Bats helped after Hurricane Ivan hit the Cayman Islands

Strong hurricanes have been known to wipe out bird and bat populations, but a new study has discovered a silver lining in those storm clouds. Hurricanes may actually blow helpless bats in the Caribbean from one island to another, eventually…

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GHRI, Georgia Aquarium Partner for Stingray Census Study in Grand Cayman

The Guy Harvey Research Institute just finished conducting the annual census of the stingray population at Stingray City in Grand Cayman. The GHRI team, led by Guy Harvey and GHRI Director Dr. Mahmood Shivji, Dr. Brad Wetherbee of the University…