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Caribbean countries ban styrofoam in 2016

NotFoamFrom Irie Jamaica Radio

2 Caribbean countries will lead the region’s ban on Styrofoam beginning the first of the new year.

Earlier this month, Antigua & Barbuda’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced that as of January 1, 2016 his government will ban the import and use of Styrofoam products and non- biodegradable plastic bags.

Several months ago, Guyana’s President David Granger also banned the importation and use of Styrofoam beginning January 1st.

Skerritt made the move in effort to help improve Antigua & Barbuda’s waste management. Whereas, Granger did so as part of Guyana’s goal to promote a green economy and environment.

The ban on Styrofoam products is aimed at significantly reducing its negative effects in the region, while simultaneously developing a new industry in an alternative sector.

Critics of the ban say changing to bio-degradable products will cost businesses more money than using Styrofoam, but supporters say the benefits will far outweigh the cost. They do agree that the initial costs will be high, but also sat that as bio degradable products becomes more available and wide spread, the cost will greatly reduce.

In the Caribbean region, Styrofoam – which is primarily used in the food service industry, makes up about 5% of solid waste. The indiscriminate dumping of it not only causes unsightly garbage pileups, but also clog waterways and create severe flooding.


  1. Please note that Gaston Browne is Prime Minister of Antigua and Roosevelt Skerritt is leader of Dominica.


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