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Art@Governor’s 2013

IMG_0148webby Colleen McGaw

Art@Governor’s continues to be one of the highlights of the Cayman Islands calendar.  Hosted by HE Governor Duncan Taylor and his wife, The National Art Gallery and Governor’s Square, the event was another success.  The community turned out to again view the amazing artistic talents on display.  From the youngest to the oldest, everyone had a smile on his/her face.

IMG_0144webAs usual, one of the most visited booths was the potter’s wheel.  Children lined up throughout the day to watch as a small vase was made, right in front of them, as their own souvenir of this wonderful day.  One can only imagine how many hundreds of vases were turned out by that talented gentleman.

The schools also did themselves proud as they displayed the work of their students vying for the Governor’s Cup.  Thanks IMG_0146webto the many volunteers, the young children had a great time painting, colouring and making projects under the shade of a tent.

The Cayman Islands Marching Band delivered another stellar performance as the spectators watched and listened with much appreciation.

We all look forward to the 14th IMG_0142webannual Art@Governor’s 2014

Double Click on each photo to enlarge. Photos by Colleen McGaw




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