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Achieving a sustainable house in 2023

Sustainability is at the forefront of everyone’s mind nowadays. With topics like climate change and excess waste becoming more prominent than ever, people want to do their part to live more sustainably and to give back to the environment for a cleaner future. 

Things like home renovation and construction might not immediately scream “sustainability.” But, there’s really no reason you can’t upgrade your existing home or build a new one in an eco-friendly way. 

By knowing the right materials to use, fitting your space with environmentally friendly items, and securing your home with green upgrades for the future, you can achieve a sustainable house in 2023 and beyond. Whether you’re interested in making updates or you’re in the process of designing your dream house, let’s cover a few tips you can use to be more sustainable with your construction efforts. 

Sustainable Building Materials

There’s a common misconception that any new construction is bad for the environment. That isn’t necessarily true if you work with a contractor committed to sustainability and rely on eco-friendly materials that won’t damage the environment. Some of the best sustainable materials for building and remodeling include: 

  • Bamboo;
  • Salvaged items;
  • Bendable concrete;
  • Mass timber;
  • 3D-printed concrete.

If you’re not sure what to look for in an eco-friendly contractor, make sure to do your research. Most builders focused on sustainability will be happy to market that fact, especially when it’s such a popular topic. 

You’ll also want to look for qualifications like certifications and memberships, similar project experience, and online reviews from past clients. Check out what other people have said about working with various contractors and builders, and you’ll get a good idea of how committed they are to sustainable construction. 

Smaller Home Upgrades

You don’t need to build a brand-new home to achieve sustainability. If you’re thinking of adding on to your house, renovating a room, or just making a few upgrades, you can still do so with the environment and future in mind. 

The easiest way to make sustainable upgrades is by switching out some of your appliances. Swapping your current items for energy-efficient refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers can make a big difference in how much electricity is used within your home each month. Not only are these upgrades better for the planet, but they’re easier on your wallet.

You can also do a lot of upgrading yourself without any construction knowledge. Some of the best ways to sustainably improve your home on a budget include: 

  • Switching to LED lighting;
  • Adding weatherstripping;
  • New attic insulation;
  • Installing low-flow showerheads;
  • Adding solar panels to your roof.

Making “smart” swaps is also a great way to improve the sustainability of your property. Things like smart thermostats and lighting put you in control no matter where you are. You can program them ahead of time or control them from your phone when you’re not home so you’re not wasting energy on an empty house. 

You don’t necessarily have to seek out eco-friendly upgrades when renovating your home. Anything that helps you cut back on energy use, water, or other natural resources will benefit you, your family, and the planet. 

Healthier Home Habits

Achieving a sustainable house is about more than just construction and physical upgrades. If you truly want to live greener, you should consider changing some of your habits. The things you do within your house each day can impact the environment in ways you might not realize. 

One of the biggest issues a typical household has to deal with is waste. The average American produces just under five pounds of trash each day. The average family can produce up to 18 pounds. With our country’s landfills overflowing with items that will never break down, it’s essential for everyone to do their part to reduce waste. If you want to work toward a zero-waste home, take a look at what you typically throw away each day and determine how you might be able to cut back. Cook meals at home. Buy food from bulk bins. Most importantly, try to eliminate single-use plastic in your home, including water bottles and plastic bags

In addition to cutting back on waste, you can prioritize sustainability in your home by reducing energy use. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Take shorter showers. Try composting and creating a garden with your family. By getting everyone involved — especially your kids — you’ll instill healthy, environmentally friendly habits from an early age that can improve the next generation and cut back on the effects of climate change. 

As you can see, whether you’re building a new home or just want to upgrade your existing property, it’s becoming easier than ever to live sustainably. Keep these suggestions in mind for your next renovation project, and consider adopting these healthy habits in your home as soon as possible. 


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