24-karat Gold CDs
By Scott McGowan From PS Audio

This is so cool. Octave’s got a couple of new albums out today, but we’ve also adopted a new format that I’m pretty eager to tell you about: 44.1kHz versions of original DSD masters, each pressed on 24-karat gold CDs. In addition to our standard SACD and download versions, we’re making these part of our repertoire going forward, and I’d love to hear what you think.
Everlasting Dance by Tierro Band with Bridget Law is a truly killer artist-release that the Octave Team has been working on so hard. The fruits of their labor is tangible in each touching track. Audiophile Masters Vol. VI is a charming compilation ranging from country to classical! I’m proud to be sharing these with you. Check ‘em out and come to me with questions of course.

Also, our Stellar Series promotion is in full swing with only two weeks left. Now through the end of May we are hosting an awesome sale, so check out the details for your possible next upgrade here: https://www.psaudio.com/product-category/stellar/