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So you think you can be a ballroom dancer?

Actually I did once think I could be ballroom dancer? I should have done it. Too many would-be dancers have convinced themselves like me, or let others tell them, that they ‘just can’t dance’, so they never even attempt to learn. If you can walk, you can learn to dance. Ballroom dancing is composed of steps, forward, back, to the side, and in place. It’s the combining of these steps in different ways that creates the pattern of a dance. The steps are learned one at a time, just like when you were two and learning to walk! Don’t let anyone discourage you, you CAN learn to dance!

Luckily. I have three close friends who teach dance at the excellent dance studios we have here on Grand Cayman. I have combined their advice and so what I am writing hereafter are expert words and not Georgina’s. I am just a mouthpiece so don’t ever look at my two left feet!

1. If it really is ballroom dancing you want to do, find a studio that actually does has a history of holding ballroom classes. Not one that has added it in as an afterthought.

2. Sign up first for a beginner group class. Everyone in the group is just like you, a beginner, so there’s less chance of feeling silly if you miss a step or two. Whether or not you have a partner will not matter in a group class. There’s a lot of joking and laughing during group classes as everyone learns new skills and makes mistakes doing so.

3. Don’t get discouraged! You’ll probably come away from that first class feeling a bit overwhelmed. When you get home, try to repeat at least some of the steps you learned during that first class. Even if you can’t remember them by the time you get to your car, the next class almost always starts with a review of the last class. If you’ll stick to it for the duration of the 6 or 8 week session, you’ll come out on the other end with the knowledge of some basic moves under your belt.

4. The attire worn to ballroom dance classes is as varied as the people who attend them. Some wear jeans or slacks, some women prefer to dance in skirts or dresses. Wear clothes that are comfortable, perhaps a little loose, to give you the freedom to move without constriction. A short-sleeved, lightweight shirt will serve you well. Be clean, casual and comfortable.

5. Your choice of shoes can make the difference between enjoying ballroom dancing and not being able to even master the steps. Please don’t make the mistake of wearing rubber-soled shoes. They don’t offer the proper traction for sliding, spinning or turning. A loafer-type is good, or any shoe with a smooth sole. For women, a shoe with a heel makes for attractive movements, but certainly isn’t a necessity when you’re first getting started. Later on, you may want to consider purchasing a pair of dance shoes. These are specifically designed to be worn on the dance floor and nowhere else. The soles are suede, allowing them to slide easily, which makes turns and spins almost effortless. Some studios offer dance shoes for sale, or there are many sites online from which you can order. It is not recommended wearing open-toed shoes, such as sandals or flip-flops.

6. Arrive a few minutes before the time the class actually begins. If you have dance shoes, you’ll need those extra minutes to change from your street shoes. Arriving early also gives you the opportunity to mingle a bit with others who are there for the same class. Nothing disrupts a class more than someone rushing in late while the instructor is demonstrating a new step.

7. You will never become proficient in ballroom dancing, (or anything else, for that matter) without practice. If you’re having a problem with a particular step or pattern, it’s perfectly acceptable to hang around a few minutes after class and go through it a time or two with your partner. Practice the steps at home once or twice a day, you’ll be amazed how much better you retain them throughout the week and it will make the next class just that much easier.

8. Enjoy all the non-dancing benefits of ballroom dancing. Through your dancing, you will find a boost in self-confidence, an increase in balance and an improvement in posture. The dance floor is a great equaliser. In a beginning class, everyone is a beginner, whether they’re a doctor or lawyer, a construction worker, waitress or school teacher. For that hour each week, the stresses of daily life simply melt away as you immerse yourself in learning the steps and listening to the music and connecting with your partner. It’s great therapy and a lot cheaper than a psychiatrist!

9. Most importantly of all, HAVE FUN! It’s not a race or a competition, everyone arrives at the same place eventually, dancing with their partner and having a wonderful time. You may experience moments of frustration with yourself or your partner, but don’t let that overshadow all the benefits of becoming a ballroom dancer.


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