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Letter to the Editor

Written Thu Oct 4

From Anonymous


One of the most talked-about topics; surrounding Wednesday’s unemployment debate – “The Work Permit Mill run by government; the demise of every native Caymanian job seeker” – the subject wasn’t even mentioned!. It was not until callers put them on the spot did the word Work Permit discussion surface!

The debate hosted by Cayman’s 27 New’s Tammie Sullivan, had appeared on Tuesday to be just another biased journalist. After criticism Tammie quickly cleaned up the mess she had made the day before where she deliberately ignored the work permit issue while discussing the joblessness amongst Cayman’s Youth. The fact that unemployment among Caymanians in all age groups; degree and skilled and unskilled was bypassed as well; all are rejected once they are identified as grassroots Caymanians. This is a conspiracy of a 21st century kind.

Cayman not only has elected people who have forgotten them but they have also invited 21st century pirates to come and strip Caymanians of their dignity of employment.

In spite of the Director of Labour, Mr Mario Ebanks’, controversial move to explain the position of the Labour Department; he alluded that the responsibility of Job search has now shifted from under his office to NWDA – National Work Force Development Agency.

It’s so comical that during election year all these new names of agencies and programmes seem to be popping up from everywhere and none of these programmes ensure employment for our people suffering for the past three years!. Not even the labour office!

These are just fictitious names for fictitious programmes that will fictitiously disappear after election 2013. They are not at all serious about employment for our people, we are all being hoodwinked.

We all know The Director of Labour is responsible for everything concerning labour, the good the bad and the ugly. So the NWDA still falls under his responsibility, no excuse. Mr. Ebanks, too deliberately, evaded discussing the disgraceful work permit practice of the government. Not until people called in causing embarrassment to the panel, did he begin to acknowledge and talk about work permit issues and he even played it down very softly as though its not really a big issue. God help us all.

One thing all these four panel members had in common yesterday and that is that they are all interested in making themselves look good in the public eye and not too interested in the welfare of the people of these islands.

They appear to be immune to what the unemployed, once- middle class is going through and it is a crying shame.

Even Mr Myles stuck in his experience as a social worker and now the manager of the boys home; he too of all people showed no remorse or concern for the 80 educated job seeking Caymanians with degrees and for the 3,000 jobless Caymanians that are being denied employment due to the grant of work permits as government in its greed and hunger for money keeps collecting exorbitant fees.

There are 27,000 people on work permits! This is organised crime against our dear Caymanian people especially our precious youth struggling to gain employment. These new breed of ombudsmen have sold us out and now joining expats recommending that our educated Caymanians and unskilled alike should settle for blue collar jobs and hand over the nice air conditioned jobs to incompetent less qualified expats who were recruited by their friends as cheap labourers, so that government can continue to choke themselves with revenue generated from high work permit fees.

The panel members keep talking about “the economy”, and “investment or investors”. A resolution to keep the rich; rich is primarily discussed while we are trying to get answers on how to put Caymanians back to work.

We have been sold by those in government and will be sold by those aspiring to get back into government. none of these people can be trusted.! It is every man for himself or herself.

The economy is something that Caymanians cannot even relate to anymore since they are isolated from society and denied employment. Apartheid is reeking havoc of job opportunity for native Caymanians and it will incite a revolution in the not too distant future.

Last night’s discussion of unemployment issues, left some observers scratching their heads.

Ms. L. Seymour, a past educator in the school system and now politician, also did not at all mention the work permit ghost that keeps haunting our people and separating Caymanians from employment. She hid behind the education factor, very conveniently and lawfully but was not expedient.


Wayne Panton, Wade (Woody) DaCosta and Al Sukoo were also on the show yesterday, offering themselves for election in the PPM Party.

Thankfully, Woody DaCosta brought a ray of hope as he promises that he will pass a law, as in Bermuda and other sensible managed countries, where the ‘natives will come first’ and that is how it should be.

It is unfortunate that in the face of being rejected at the polls in 2013 the UDP government don’t seem to get it that Cayman’s grassroots, yes the natives, should come first and their interest at the top of the list.

There has been much discrimination where paper Caymanians have been the preferred applicants getting the jobs over native Caymanians. This has to change and laws must be put in place just like the united States has provided special rights and privileges for the native American Indian.

Wayne Panton said ‘nothing ” about the work permit saga spelling no hope, he just brushed unemployment and work permit abuse off as though, “Oh it won’t be done overnight” and not making any promises, He’s more interested in the investors making them happy!. Sounds familiar?

Yesterday Wednesday October 3, 2012 seemed be the “Throw Caymanians under The Bus Day! Neither the Cayman 27 panel nor the Cayman Cross Talk political guests seemed to be committed to a change that will put Caymanians back to work and bring our people out of the shadows. These political hopefuls were doing so badly with an exception of Woody DaCosta that, the new PPM prospect Mr Bryan, had to call in to offer some moral clarity to Wayne Panton’s nonchalant behavior which leaves much to be desired. God help us if he gets elected.

I see no compassion in this man other than a thirst for power. Since he was the lawyer responsible for drafting Michael Ryan’s legal documents that left us holding the bag with Ryan owing our government $6 million dollars, I have one question in mind. Is Panton or the PPM tied to any way or being financed by Michael Ryan in hope of continuing to hoodwink Caymanians and scamming the Government out of millions of dollars? I’ll bet you Ryan will show himself strong if the UDP is not elected in 2013 and the PPM is elected. Perhaps Mr. Panton might explain what is his position and relationship with Michael Ryan?

If the UDP does not fix the Work Permit saga, reducing drastically the numbers making room for employment for Caymanians, then we have no other choice but to elect Mr. Ezzard Miller. And we are awaiting to hear from him just how he plans to fix this work permit scam that government is gaming with our people who are devastated, jobless and hopeless at this point. Ezzard must also explain the difference between a full term of four years versus a half a term of two years as he claimed to want to fulfill if chosen as premier. It is a serious position that is a term of four full years!

This cop out that Caymanians must now stay in school for the next 25 to 30 years while our qualified Caymanians must train foreigners to take our jobs; while Government continue to sell work permits is not going to cut it. It is unacceptable and we MUST elect a government with leadership who is not afraid and is determined to find a resolution to this gross injustice against our native Caymanian people.


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