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It’s the most stressful time of the year. But it doesn’t have to be

1. Santa Makes a List—So Must You. Lists for gifts, groceries and things to do. Lists for things to complete at home and work. (yikes, it’s year-end again)

2. Prioritize The Lists. Sending gifts and cards overseas tops the list for November as well as on-line gift purchasing.

3. Having Last-Minute Thoughts of Traveling? Better book today.

4. Decide on Who’s Cooking Christmas Day Lunch/Dinner. Delegate out in a co-operative effort if doing it all is not your cup of tea. Begin to shop for items now.

5. Schedule in Special Events. Parade of Lights, The Singing Christmas Tree, First Baptist Choir Christmas Cantata and School Plays. Knowing what’s ahead on the calendar is helpful.

6. Shop and Wrap. Avoiding the frenzy of last-minute gift shopping is health to the soul. Ask for gift wrapping when shopping locally.

7. Avoid Procrastination. Much stress is relievable by ‘just doing what needs to get done’. Apply a “no-procrastination code” to both home and work. Finish up. Get it done.

8. Stay Healthy and Active. Successful people (and wealthy, successful people) keep active for energy, vitality, positivity, productivity as well as weight management. Get active, stay active.

9. Perhaps a Break from Alcohol. Your liver will thank you for mini intervals of cleansing and detoxing through abstinence before the busy season when overtime may be required!

10. Eat Well. Healthy eating provides the support your immune system needs to keep you well and allows you to enjoy the holiday specialities soon to come.

Ladies Tip  Book Beauty Appointments Now

Gents Tips Gift Think Now: What Will She Like?

Christmas can be a sad time for many who are far from home or who have lost loved ones.

Allow time  for reflection.

Be thankful for everything.

Be kind to others.


Inspired with Donna 929-7512 [email protected]


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